Course - Overview
The B.Tech in Information Technology at CIIMS College aims to develop graduates into skilled professionals and
domain experts in information technology management. This is accomplished by combining software project
management capabilities with software system auditing across multiple programming paradigms. In addition to
core disciplines, students take elective courses to improve their skills in designing application software for organi
zational integration and process convergence. These electives focus on enterprise-wide applications, automation,
system auditing, and security management.
The Graduates of this degree are proficient in the use of developing technologies like as content management
systems, strategic computing, web engineering approaches, and semantic web methodologies, as well as knowl
edge of cyber laws and ethics. It highlights the importance of information technology in meeting organizational
and commercial difficulties. It involves a wide range of technological features, including as computers, networks,
and storage, all of which are required for efficient data management and exploitation in modern society.
The curriculum focuses on three major areas of specialty in information technology: network administration,
computer support, and programming. It seeks to provide engineering students with both technical and intellectual
knowledge so that they may efficiently meet industrial expectations. CIIMS encourages both academic success
and overall student development. Students are engaged in a variety of extracurricular activities, including semi
nars, industrial tours, expert presentations on developing technologies, and technical events like coding competi
tions and hackathons.

Semester 1
Applied Physics - I | Communicative English - I | Information Technology Basics | Calculus and Matrices | Engineering Chemistry - I | Environmental Science | Basic Computer Science Fundamentals | Practical / Workshop
Semester 2
Applied Physics - II | Communicative English - II | Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering | Engineering Drawing | Engineering Chemistry - II | Computer Organization & Architecture | Practical / Workshop
Semester 3
Engineering Mathematics - III | Object Oriented Programming | Signals and Syatems | Digital Principles | Practical / Workshop
Semester 4
Probability & Statistics | Digital Signal Processing | Computer Graphics and Multimedia | Operating System Basics | DBMS | Microprocessor and Micro Controllers | Practical / Workshop
Semester 5
D Computer Networks | Advanced Operating Systems | Software Engineering | Artificial Intelligence | Relational Database Management System | Elective - I | Practicals / Laboratory Work
Semester 6
Computing Concepts (Distributed & Visual Computing) | Network Security & Web Technology | Data Warehousing & Data Mining | Elective - II | Practicals / Laboratory Work
Semester 7
Summer Internship | Ethics and Human Value Concepts | Modelling Concept and Simulation | Elective - III | Elective - IV
Semester 8
Engineering Economics and Management | Project Work | Viva
Maintenance Engineer | Software Developer | System Engineer | IT Analyst | Programmer | Support Specialist | Computer Programmer | Web Developer | Network Engineer | Database Administraton
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